Tender Ref. Number: 11 of 2024

The British Virgin Islands Electricity Corporation (the “Corporation”) is inviting tenders for the audit of the
Corporation and the Pension Fund’s (collectively, the “Entities”) financial statements for the years ended
December 31, 2024, 2025 and 2026.

The work will encompass the following:

  • Conduct the audits of the Entities’ financial statements in accordance with the International Standards
    on Auditing (ISA);
  • Form opinion on whether the Entities’ financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the
    financial position, financial performance and cash flows in accordance with the International Financial
    Reporting Standards (IFRS); and
  • Overall evaluation of the Entities’ books, records and system of internal controls including IT controls,
    with follow up discussions and recommendations to management, as deemed appropriate.

Quoted Fees must be presented in the following format:

Particulars Fee                                                                            (Corporation
                                                                                                       /Pension Fund)
Audit fee                                                                                       $
Out-of-pocket expenses                                                            $
Other Costs [As applicable – Tenderer to specify e.g.,          $
technical specialists, etc.]
Total                                                                                              $

Kindly submit separate tenders for the Corporation and the Pension Fund. Tenders shall be placed in sealed
envelopes that shall not reveal the name of the Tenderer but shall be marked “B.V.I. Electricity Corporation –
Tender for Audit”. They must be submitted directly to:

                                                                             The Auditor General
                                                                             Office of the Auditor General
                                                                              3rd Floor RFG Place
                                                                              P.O. Box 174
                                                                              Road Town, Tortola
                                                                              British Virgin Islands

With a copy to:
                                                                               The General Manager
                                                                               British Virgin Islands Electricity Corporation
                                                                               P.O. Box 268
                                                                               Road Town, Tortola
                                                                               British Virgin Islands

Closing date for tenders is Friday, June 7, 2024, at 3:00 p.m.