About Us

The British Virgin Islands Electricity Corporation Ordinance No. 7 of 1978 was legislated to provide for the establishment of a Statutory Corporation, known as the British Virgin Islands Electricity Corporation. This Ordinance came into effect in January of 1979. The Government of the British Virgin Islands is the sole shareholder of BVIEC which is under the portfolio of the Ministry of Communication and Works. Serving approximately 16,254 customers the end of July 2022, the company meets the territory’s peak demand of approximately 32 MW from eleven (11) of its own diesel fired generators which have an installed capacity of approximately 58.5 MW.

The major functions of the Corporation are the generation, transmission, supply, distribution and sale of electricity throughout the British Virgin Islands.

The Corporation is made up of a Chairman, four ordinary members and two Ex-officio, members all appointed by the Cabinet.