Tender for Construction of Solar Streetlight Bases

BVI Electricity Corporation invites qualified contractors to tender for Construction of Solar Streetlight Bases.

Bidders may submit tenders to construct all lots or may submit tenders for selective lots. BVIEC’s evaluation committee will review submissions on a per lot basis even if bidders have submitted for all lots as a single bid. The Corporation aims to get the best value for money for each lot to be constructed.

The full tender package and other supporting documents can be downloaded below:


For further information, clarifications or if you experience any technical difficulties to download the tender package, please send an email to the BVIEC at bviecgm@bvielectricity.com.




The B.V.I. Electricity Corporation is aware that some customers are unable to access our Online Payment Portal. We are working diligently to resolve this issue.

If the initial payment attempt fails, please try again from another electronic/mobile device.

Should the issue persist, persons are then encouraged to utilize our in-person payment option here at our main building in Long Bush, Tortola, until this issue is rectified.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused, and thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.