The B.V.I. Electricity Corporation is inviting tenders for Security Services for its premises at Long Bush and Pockwood Pond for the calendar year 2019.

The Corporation has the right to accept or reject any tender and to annul the tendering process and reject any tenders at anytime prior to the award of the contract without thereby incurring any liability to the affected tenderer or tenderers and is under no obligation to give any reason for such action.

Instruction to the Tenderers

Tenderers are required to furnish the following:

a) Good Standing certificates in respect of Social Security and Taxes including Payroll taxes and Property Taxes.

b) Certificate of Good Standing from Commercial Registry.

c) Trade License.

d) Independently audited financial statements for the last two financial years.

e) Names of local agent and curriculum vitae outlining the professional skills and qualifications of the Manager, including details of experience in the field.

The tenders must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked with “Tender for Security Services 2019” and the tenderers return address. These tenders must be addressed to:-

The General Manager
B.V.I. Electricity Corporation
P.O. Box 268
Road Town, Tortola VG 1110
British Virgin Islands

Closing date for submission of tenders is Friday, December 14, 2018 at 3:00 p.m.